Pharma Pitch Perfect @PSWA Innovation for Health 2022

Pharma Pitch Perfect @PSWA Innovation for Health is a dedicated opportunity for pharmacists to become innovators in pharmacy practice. It’s a chance for pharmacists to showcase an innovative idea and for established players and health professionals to identify and partner with innovative pharmacists. This is a unique opportunity for you to pitch an idea or project that has the potential to attract the attention of a customer, investor or pharmacist to support and enable you to take your idea and develop it into a full research project or even a future commercial venture.

6.30pm-9pm Wednesday 29 June

Pharma Pitch Presentation Night

You will be given 5 minutes to pitch your idea to a judging panel of clinicians, investors, business leaders and mentors before taking 5 minutes’ worth of questions from the panel and audience.

Networking opportunity -

You don’t have to pitch. Come along and enjoy an opportunity to hear from some innovative pharmacists and network with your colleagues.

The Prize: Attendance to an Entrepreneurial Mindset Boot Camp by the Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation (CERI). This is an interactive 2-day course focused on education and training through experiential learning and designed to empower and inspire participants on their innovation journey valued at $3,000.

The Judging Panel:

Teresa Di Franco - PSWA Board Member, Owner Perth Diabetes Care

Maud Eijkenboom - Director and Head of Product Development at Netura

Jeff Leach - Pharmacist, Supporter of Innovation, Chairman - JJ Leach Group

Where: CERI - The Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation, Level 1, 22 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands WA 6009

Cost: There is no charge for PSWA members to attend these events

Closing dates for registration: Tuesday 28 June

Jocelyn Sisson