PSWA Innovation Night 2024 - Reimagined

The Pharmaceutical Society of Western Australia (PSWA) is pleased to announce the upcoming PSWA Innovation Night 2024, a premier event dedicated to showcasing the latest trends and innovations in the pharmacy industry. This year's event promises to be different, with a lineup of interesting and exciting presenters who will inspire attendees with their innovative ideas and achievements. 

Innovation is the key to success in the pharmacy industry, and the PSWA Innovation Night is an excellent opportunity for pharmacists in Western Australia to learn about the latest advancements in the field. The event will provide a platform for pharmacists to showcase their innovative practices, develop a mentoring network, and connect with like-minded professionals. 

All pharmacists are encouraged to attend this event and take advantage of the valuable insights and opportunities it offers. Let's embrace innovation and work together to improve patient care and advance the field of pharmacy. 

Event Highlights: 

·     Presentations by leading innovators in the pharmacy industry 

·     Insights into the latest trends and advancements in pharmacy practice 

·     Networking opportunities with fellow pharmacy professionals and stakeholders

Our Presenters:

Patrick Moase, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Marine Biomedical Pty Ltd, who will explain what Broome pearls have to do with bones, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. 

Helen Tulic, Acting Lead Pharmacist at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH), who has been instrumental in running and overseeing the Pharmacist-led Gout Clinic at FSH.

Natalie Willis, Pharmacy Proprietor and Pharmacy Guild of Australia Branch Committee Member (WA), who successfully contributed to negotiations for the 8CPA and will highlight how it may promote improvements in pharmacy practice. 

6:30 PM 9:00 PM Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Centre for Research and Innovation (map)

Jocelyn Sisson