Pharma Pitch Preparation Speaker Announced - Paula Smith
We are fortunate to have Australia’s leading expert in Presentation Intelligence ® Paula Smith join us on Wednesday June 23rd to work with our Pharma Pitch Perfect registrants in preparation for their Pitch night. However we believe that Powerful Presenting and High-Level Communication skills are critical for all of our members to master so we have opened up the master class to an additional 30 members to learn from Paula on a ‘first in best dressed basis’ so secure your complimentary place by 16 June.
This interactive, high-impact session is designed for busy pharmacy professionals to refresh and refine their high level communication and presenting skills. The ability to present, pitch and communicate persuasively, confidently and credibly is vital in today’s competitive world where distractions and alternative demands compete for the attention of the listener. Conversations, meetings and presentations are the precursors to decision-making so the ability to engage others both intellectually and emotionally will help you to be more confident, authentic, and credible. Paula will guide you through the art, science and practice of Powerful Presentation Principles.
Paula Smith is a Professional Speaker, Author, Master Trainer and Business Leadership Coach. She admits, she is just a little bit obsessed about powerful presenting, and has been sharing her insights about the way we learn and communicate for over 30 years. Paula works with professionals, experts, entrepreneurs and organisations to grow their business and their brands by harnessing the power of Presentation Intelligence ® and Exceptional Communication. She is the author of three books and the CEO of the Global Institute of Training and Presenting. Paula holds the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation by the National Speakers Association. Only a small number of professional speakers hold the CSP designation worldwide. Paula developed the first Presentation Skills Diploma Qualification in Australia and the only Qualification in Neuropresenting.