Pharmaceutical Society of Western Australia Inc.

PSWA - Shaping the future of innovative pharmacy practice and research.



The Pharmaceutical Society of Western Australia (PSWA) was formed in 1892 and has served the community and the pharmacy profession continually since that time —

Legislation enacted in 1894 established the Council of the Society as a statutory body charged with management of the Society and administration of pharmacy and poisons legislation.  It fulfilled the poisons requirement until 1964, and administered pharmacy legislation until 2010. The Council was dissolved in 2010 however the Society continues to operate as an incorporated association and is managed by a Board elected by its members. The PSWA currently has over 2700 members and continues to support WA based pharmacists and empower the pharmacy profession to benefit the health of Western Australians.

PSWA Board Members - Joanne Cruickshank, Gavin McKay, Celia Sansom, Richard Smirk, Teresa Di Franco, David McKnight


PSWA, as custodians of the J M O’Hara Research Fund, continues to operate as an incorporated association and is guided by the following statements —

Our Vision
To shape the future of innovative pharmacy practice and research.

Our Mission
To benefit the health of Western Australians through empowering pharmacy in WA by:

  • Inspiring innovation

  • Championing research

  • Fostering educational excellence

  • Safeguarding our rich heritage

  • Advocating for the community and professionals we serve

The objects of PSWA are:

  • To advance and encourage the study and practice of pharmacy and related branches of science and knowledge allied thereto in Western Australia by persons ordinarily resident in Western Australia;

  • To provide scholarships, financial assistance and other support for persons ordinarily resident in Western Australia in the study of pharmacy and pharmaceutical research;

  • To encourage and promote a culture of innovation and innovative thinking to enable the pharmacy profession for the future;

  • To establish awards and prizes and other forms of recognition for excellence in pharmacy research, innovation, practice and education;

  • To advocate for or otherwise represent pharmacists practising in Western Australia in relation to issues affecting the practice of pharmacy or the pharmaceutical profession in the State;

  • To give assistance and support to Similar Entities;

  • To support the preservation of the history and heritage of pharmacy in Western Australia;

  • To act as trustee of any fund established for the furtherance of the pharmaceutical profession, including by pharmaceutical research and the study and practice of pharmacy in Western Australia and for any other purpose authorised by these Objects; and

  • To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.


We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and live, and we pay our respects to all Elders, past and present.